Keller Williams Salinas Valley Estates - Nicole Rodriguez
Nicole Rodriguez
Keller Williams Salinas Valley Estates
Carmel, CA
Número de llicència: 01718232 - CA / REALTOR® a les The Scott Craig Team
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CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Salinas Valley Estates

Sobre mi

Nikki has been described as an energetic, fun loving, "people person". She excels at helping families achieve the American dream of owning a home. Nikki thoroughly enjoys puzzles and problem solving, and is a great person to have on your side for negotiations, she will help you win!
Nicole, AKA Nikki Rodriguez was born in Salinas, CA and raised on the central coast. She knows the area extremely well. Nicole has a great deal of family in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, and is deeply rooted within the Salinas Valley. She knows firsthand about the beauty this region has to offer. In fact, one of the reasons Nikki decided to get her real estate license is the love and appreciation she has for her home town.
Nicole and her husband Paul, also a Salinas native, have been married for 17 years. They have two young boys, Jeremy (14) and Jude (11). As a family they enjoy being outdoors. Playing golf, hiking, boating and going to the beach are amongst their favorite activities. If you are looking to relocate, Nikki has local knowledge of all the fun spots! Which can be helpful whether you are buying or selling.
Call Nicole "Nikki" Rodriguez today for your free consultation today!

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My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Nicole Rodriguez
Número de llicència: 01718232
The Scott Craig Team

Contact Me
Keller Williams Salinas Valley Estates
1368 S Main St, St B Salinas, Ca 93901

Nicole Rodriguez
REALTOR® 01718232
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